Tuesday, October 20, 2009

President Obama, Please Pick Winnable Fights

Without a doubt, the recent war, declared by Barack Obama against the Fox News Channel, has lessened not only the office of the President... but has reduced Obama's stature to that of a local mayor or alderman. That's what local politicians do... whine and complain about who-said-what-about-them.

How could the leader of the free world allow himself to get into a shouting match with a news network? He should have stayed above that! Heck, if you combine the clout of O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Cavuto, Wallace, et. al, it should never equal or match the bully pulpit of the president. So, for Obama to cede the power he possesed via the largest megaphone in the world to some quasi journalists/television news personalities, has marginalized him and the prestige of presidency.

Quite frankly, it is an embarrassment to see Fox newsman, Brit Hume, chastise and ridicule President Obama, and his White House, for picking this petty fight with their network because of how Fox chooses to report stories on the president and his policies. But Obama elevated Hume and company to his level... so they can ridicule him now, and for the duration of his presidency, as if they are his equal.

Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics, has adequately put this contentious battle in terms that continues to resonate in coffee houses across the nation:

"It's actually quite brazen when you think about it. The two most senior members of the Obama White House - men who control all the information and access to the Executive Branch, the lifeblood of most news organizations - went on national television and suggested that ABC, CNN and other networks follow the White House's lead and join in its war to marginalize a competitor because it takes a "perspective" that displeases the President.

Such tactics may not be frowned upon by brass-knuckle operatives working for the political machine in a one party town. But it's different when you're the President of the United States. Most Americans of all political stripes don't want to see the President using the majesty and power of his office for heavy handed attacks on any organization simply because it has been critical of the President"

C'mon Obama... call off your attack dogs and put an end to this unwinnable fight. Look like the president that you are!

You can start by having your office call that red phone that Mr. Glenn Beck has visibly displayed on his television program––which is allegedly linked directly to the White House. Assign someone from your staff to call Beck's phone and refute those scurrilous charges and accusations being leveled at your administration and your policies. Everyday that phone doesn't ring, increases viewers to that network, as folks are beginning to believe what is being said and passing the information along to their friends and neighbors.

Mr. President, this is a battle you cannot win! So, instead of attacking Fox News, and those on that network with the cheap shots from Dunn, Axelrod and Emmanuel... schedule an interview with one of their journalists––sooner rather than later. This will demonstrate you are the man, and not afraid of their news or their views!

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